Why is it worth developing mentoring programs? Part II

Why is it worth developing mentoring programs? Part II
Mentoring “infection” and the consequences of all this.
Benefits of mentoring.
I’m talking to a friend.
She says:
– We decided that we want to buy a new car. So far, we have been buying cars that are several years old. And then when we bought a new one, friends in our environment started buying new ones. Because well, somehow that’s how we get “infected”.
You probably know a lot of such situations yourself.
Example „infects“
Well, someone you know has decided and changed jobs. As if we are infected with that thought and rethinking our situation. Maybe we should look for something new? Do you recognize this kind of situation?
Just when that phenomenon occurs in the immediate environment, we observe what is happening, talk to friends, colleagues, we hear arguments, “measure” whether it would suit us as well. Because if we thought the opposite before, like I really don’t need it, but when it comes up next, you start thinking about it.
Mentoring “infection”
When a mentoring culture is formed in an organization, the desire to share knowledge, experience, thoughts, or to accept it from others is greater. And what shows that it is formed?
- Mentoring is achieved by hand in an organization;
- I can join both a formal and an informal mentoring program;
- I can become both a mentor and a mentee at any time;
- I can decide the duration of mentoring myself;
- I can choose who will be my mentor and/or to whom I will mentor;
- Competencies, knowledge that I improve or acquire through mentoring I transfer to work routine;
- Mentoring becomes a habit and so on.
That is how this “infection” spreads. Then we notice that more and more people in the organization are starting to mentor in both formal and informal mentoring programs. Or we just start sharing with each other more often, thus developing mentoring culture.
Transferring the value created by mentoring to other work activities
And even better is that after creating a mentoring culture, all that we apply in mentoring is involuntarily transferred to other work activities:
- We listen and hear each other more during meetings.
- We enter the discussion in search of the best solution for the organization, not defending our position.
- We reflect. And it allows you to stop and understand what is going on, what emotions arise, where there are opinions, and where there are facts. This helps to create the positive work environment.
And this is only a small part of the value created by that mentoring culture for the organization.
This is one part of my puzzle about mentoring. You can search for other details in the picture by following the paths below.
Good luck and see you!