Does the mentor have to be a high-achieving person?
Which mentor works best for me?
We often think that to be a mentor, it’s essential to be highly qualified and to have an impressive background. Or, well, at least they have worked for an organization a few years. Of course, if it’s mentoring in an organization.
If I am looking for a mentor myself, I automatically start looking for the “stars” in the field.
So, will such a mentor be the most suitable for me?
Your answer can be “yes,” or it could be “no.”
For example, a mentor who joined the organization not long ago could be the most helpful for a new employee. This mentor still remembers what problems face new employees, what concerns do they have.
If you just became a leader, someone who has been in charge for more than a decade could not be as helpful as someone who recently became a leader.
Everything depends on the task of mentoring. Why do you need a mentor? Who do you want to become?
The most important thing is understanding the mentee’s situation and how the mentor can help the mentee best.
It is enough if the mentor is more experienced in the field than the mentee, but it is undoubtedly unnecessary to look for the most famous and best mentor in the area.
A good mentor is not necessarily a person who has a lot of experience since the mentor could be way ahead of the mentee. The mentee might be unable to take as much as the mentor offers because they are way more advanced than the mentee.
It could be hard to communicate if the mentor is too high looking from the mentee’s point.
Look for a mentor above you who can still reach down and pull you up!